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Ministry of Marriages - Cancún Cathedral
Help spouses to live their love

Juventus Magis

Teach children with love to love and know Jesus and their neighbor.

Roca Firme Community, A.C.
Our charism is to evangelize.

Family dynamics
The Family Unit that revolves around Christ.
Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the Holy Spirit

Readers of Cancun Cathedral
Proclaim the word of the Lord

Human and Spiritual Personal Improvement

Vocational Animator Ministry
Promote vocational culture

Christian Family Movement
Marital and family spirituality.

Apostolate of the cross
“To be a living memory of being and acting of Jesus Christ priest and victim, contemplative, supportive and who gives his life for others” Priestly Charism

Knights of Columbus
Charity, Fraternity, Unity and Patriotism

Christian family movement juvenile
Marital and family spirituality as a path to sanctification.

Mary legion
Serve Christ in the person of our brothers

Groups and Apostolates
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